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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010

I wish all my readers, friends and well wishers a very prosperous New Year 2010...

Wish you all lots of joy and happiness.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Prize winner in Competition “Best ASP.NET article of Sept 2009″

Sorry to post it little bit later, I was out of station for few weeks and great to see that I have own the first prize in the article competition for my article Exploring IIS 6.0 With ASP.NET . This is fourth times in this year I have received the prizes from codeproject. Thanks to all of you who read my articles and vote for it.

Thanks again to all of you. Hope to publish many more articles for you !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Who is Accessing Your System ?

This is quite interesting to know that who is accessing your shared folder in network. We can easily get the information of that user and even you can track what is the activity he is doing in your system. We can achieve this using WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) and MQL ( Management Query Language ) .

For using WMI you need to add one DLL called System.Management.dll and add the namespace as

[sourcecode language="csharp"]
using System.Management

Now Read the current Session of your system.

[sourcecode language="csharp"]
private void Read_Current_Session()
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
"SELECT * FROM Win32_ServerConnection");
foreach (ManagementObject queryObj in searcher.Get())
String RemoteIPAddress = queryObj["ComputerName"].ToString();
String RemoteUserName = queryObj["UserName"].ToString();
String RemoteActiveTime = queryObj["ActiveTime"].ToString();
catch (ManagementException e)
MessageBox.Show("WMI Error: " + e.Message);

Few Years back I have developed one Open Source Tool (NetSpY) based on WMI and MQL. NetSpy (NetWorkSpy) is an Small Windows based application which will continiouly monitor your shared folder in the network and will generate the complete log of the accessing user activities. This can show you the immidiate popup message that who is accessing right now.

If you are interested please have a look over here,
Net Spy: Your Network Spy That Monitor Your System In Network And Generate Log For Any Changes

Monday, October 19, 2009

Beginners Guide’s to ASP.NET MVC Framework – Part 1 of n

This article describes overview of ASP.NET MVC Framework , MVC Control Flow etc.

This article is the Part 1 of the ASP.NET MVC Framework series.  In this article I have describes very basic over view of MVC Framework and the control flow of MVC. I will write a few articles in this series which will help all the beginners to move ahead. This article is only about what MVC is.


The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern is an architectural design patterns for any standard development that separates the components of an application. This allows application to handle very flexible and extensible and easy to handle. ASP.NET MVC Framework is also one of the standard web development frameworks which separate the components of web development application different components.

ASP.NET MVC Framework having three main components

  1. Model

  2. View

  3. Controller


Model: The model manages the behavior and data of the application domain, responds to requests for information about its state from the view, and responds to instructions to change state (usually from the controller).

View: This represent the presentation layer of the web application. The view manages the display of information based on the data of model that is requested by controller.

Controller: Controller handles the user interaction with the web application.  User request comes through controller to model and manipulate the records from it and then render the data using View to UI.

Below diagram showing the overview of these three components


Request Flow for ASP.NET MVC Framework

  1. Request comes from User to Controller

  2. Controller processes request and forms a data Model

  3. Model is passed to View

  4. View transforms Model into appropriate output format

  5. Response is rendered to Browser


Above picture showing you the actual flow of ASP.NET MVP Framework.  Request comes from client to Controller and controller decided which model to used and based on that data rendered into browser.

Now, just have a closer look into to the MVC Flow,


In the next article I will give the explanation of each of every step. You just need to remember these are the basic flow of an MVC Application.

ASP.NET Web Forms and  MVC

MVC is not a replacement if ASP.NET Web Form based development. This seats on the top of ASP.NET Development.  MVC Framework simply divides the overall application architecture into three components.

For More information on the basic of MVC Framework please read :
ASP.NET MVC Overview (C#)


This is the startup article for MVC beginners. Many more to come. Where I will explain details of each of them with sample application. Finally there would be a complete ASP.NET project on MVC Framework. Hope this series will be helpful for all.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Using Bookmark in Visual Studio


As name suggests, bookmarking speedup your code navigation in visual studio. There may be some portion of code where we need to move very frequently. Generally we scroll the page and move to that section, but Visual studio provides great features by which we can move to a particular section very quickly using some shortcut keys. This is called Bookmarking of Code.
Below are the set of Icons which are used to navigate the code using Bookmark.


How To Use

We can place the bookmark by clicking on Bookmark icon or using keys Ctrl + K, Ctrl + K. Below is the sample code where I have putted two bookmarks in different section of code.


Now we can easily navigate among those breakpoint using Ctrl + K, Ctrl + N for Next Bookmark and Ctrl + K , Ctrl + p for Previous mark. We can achieve the same using following toolbar icon.


This is very much easy to use and its give you very fast navigation throughout the code.

Using Bookmark Window:

Visual Studio provides you Bookmark window where you can get list of all bookmarked section.


Now, by selecting particular bookmark from the Bookmarks list we can easily move to the particular section.


Renaming BookMarks

For easy reference we can also rename bookmark so that we can easily identify them. This helps us to easily move to particular code block based on the name given.  This is useful when we are having many bookmarks in the bookmark list.


As I have renamed my bookmark list as below



This may not be new to many of us, but it may helpful for some beginners.  Using this features we can navingate our code very easily. Please provide your valuable suggestion and feedback.

Bookmark and Share

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My New Article : Beginner's Guide : Exploring IIS 6.0 With ASP.NET

Today, I have published another article on IIS 6.0 at codeproject. This article is for the beginners who are trying to learn something on IIS. This article gives a complete coverage of IIS, Hosting sites on IIS, Application pool creation, and IIS Request Processing for ASP.NET Web Application .
I have also mentioned few Tips which are very commonly used in dealing with IIS. Hope this will help the beginners who are struggling with site hosting on IIS and configure it. Please read full article @ Beginner's Guide : Exploring IIS 6.0 With ASP.NET

Please give your valuable suggestion and feedback to improve this article.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

My New Article : DotNetNuke : User Creation and Role Assignment : For Absolute Beginners!

Today, I have published another article on DotNetNuke (DNN). I am working with DNN for last 1 year and having a good experience on DNN. This article is about to create user and roles in DNN. This will really helpful to all the DNN Beginners. If you really interested, Here is my complete article DotNetNuke: User Creation and Role Assignment : For Absolute Beginners!
Please provide your feedback and suggestion for improve this article. Thanks

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Platinum" Membership status @ Code Project

Now I have got Platinum mebership status from Code Project .  This is really an great acheivement.     Thanks to all for reading and voting for my articles and for motivating me to write more and more articles.
Here is wishes from CP Members . Thanks to all for best wishes !!
Thanks Again !

My New Article : Quick Overview: Temporary Tables in SQL Server 2005

Just finished up with  publising a new articles on SQL Server and its 4.30 am over here  :) .  This article is based on the temporary tables in SQL Server 2005.  I have explained how to use them, where they stores, when to use etc.
If you are really intereseted, then please read my article complete  here, Quick Overview: Temporary Tables in SQL Server 2005
Please give your feedback and valuable suggestion to improve this article.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Prize winner in Competition “Best ASP.NET article of July 2009″

I have own the first prize in the article competition for my article Remote IIS Debugging. This is Third time in this year I have received the prizes from codeproject. Thanks to all of you who read my articles and vote for it.

Thanks again to all of you.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Most Commonly Used Functions in SQL Server 2005/2008

Lastnight I have published an article on Most Commonly Used Functions in SQL Server 2005/2008. This is quite different article than I used to published.

Objective of this article is to put all mostly used function related in SQL Server 2005/2008 under a sinlge article. There are several function that we are used regularly in SQL Server 2005/2008. This article is will a common place for all those function with proper example.

But, I need your help. This Table of Contents and Article is editable by all CodeProject  Silver members and above. What I want you to do is replace the entries in the Table of Contents below add as many as function you aware on SQL Server 2005 or above. This will really help beginners to find out all of them under a single article.

Please Visit here, Most Commonly Used Functions in SQL Server 2005/2008.

Thanks for your support.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My New Article : A Closer Look Inside RAISERROR - SQLServer 2005

Today,  I have published another article on fundamental of RAISERROR in SQL Server 2005. Its all about  internal of RAISERROR, how to use it,  sp_addmessage, use them inside TRY-CATCH etc. If you really interesed, Here is my complete article

A Closer Look Inside RAISERROR - SQLServer 2005

Saturday, August 8, 2009

My New Article : Test Your ASP.NET WebServices using SOAP UI

Today I have published another article on Web Service Testing- Using SOAP UI.  This is very important to test our web service before we moved it to production. Soap UI is one of the best tool for test any SOAP Request and Response. If have described the basick overview of that tool so that any one can start from scratch. If you are really intereseted, then please read my article complete  here, Test You Web Service Using Soap UI

Please give your suggestion and feedback .

Saturday, August 1, 2009

My New Article : Overview of Error in SQL Server 2005 Handling

Today I have published another article on Error Handling in SQL Server 2005. This is all about how we are going to handled errors and exception in T-SQL. I have described basic of  @@ERROR and TRY-CATCH Block with proper example. If you are really intereseted, then please read my article here, Overview of Error Handling in SQL Server 2005

Please give your suggestion and feedback .

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My New Article : Overview of VIEW in SQL Server 2005

Lastnight I have published another article on fundamental of SQL Server VIEW. Its all about View Creation, Use of View, Description of System View, Schema Binding with view and Encryption of View. If you really interesed, Here is my complete article Overview of View in SQL Server 2005 .

This is the Part 1. In the next part I will write on Parameterized View and Indexing of View
Please give your valuable suggestion and feedback.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Prize winner in Competition "Best ASP.NET article of June 2009"

I have own the first prize in the article competition for my article Debug Your ASP.NET Application that Hosted on IIS : Process Attach and Identify which process to attach.. This is second time in this year I have received the prizes from codeproject. Thanks to all of you who read my articles and vote for it.

I have published another article on Remote IIS Debugging in this month. Hope this will also help you.

Please give your suggestion and feedback to improve my articles. Thanks again.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My New Article : Debug your web application Hosted on Remote IIS

Lastnight I have published another article on debugging of ASP.NET article which hosted on Remote IIS Server. Its all about the how to msvsmon.exe and its configuration. If you really interesed, Here is my complete article Remote IIS Debugging : Debug your ASP.NET Application which is hosted on "Remote IIS Server"
Please give your valuable suggestion and feedback.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

XSL Transformation : Rendering XML using XSL - HTML Output


Some times we need to display the XML data in our web application in specific format. XSLT provides the ability to display the XML document in some specific format like HTML, PDF etc. We can select a a XML file or a portion of XML File and using XSL Transformation we can display in some specific format.


An XSL transformation need an XML document to transform and an XSL style sheet describing how the transformation will take place. An XSLT engine then transforms the XML document via the XSL style sheet and will produce the output in the format specified by the style sheet.
Here I am just going to show you how we can display a XML data using XSL in our web page and which will help beginners to start with. This is an sample application. The XSL, which I have used over here is very simple. If you want to learn details on XSL please read tutorials from W3School.



How to Implement ?

1. Create Data Base :

Rather than reading the data from xml, I have read the data from database. First of all I have create an DB Student with table name "StudentDetails" . Table contain some dummy data like,


2. Add XSL File

Before, reading the data from database, we have to create the XSL file, We can add XSL file by just right click on the project > Add New Item >Select XSLT File


I have put the xsl file in a specific folder called XSL .






3. Desing XSL

Now, Designing XSL is one of the important task, and there are many things that related with XSL . In my case, this is very simple XSL, but if you need to learn in details, I will suggest you to read from W3School. First of all have a look into the XML data which I have got from the dataset.


And based on that we need to desing the XSL File. Below is the StudentDetails XSL


[sourcecode language='xml']







Now, have a look into the code,

Read the data from database and put it into dataset. We can easily get the XML from dataset using.

[sourcecode language='csharp']

string XMLString=ds.GetXml();


Below code is used to read data from database

[sourcecode language='csharp']
public string strstudentDetails = string.Empty;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _strConnectionString = "Data Source=.\\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=Student;Integrated Security=True";
string _strquery = "select * from studentDetails";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(_strConnectionString);
DataSet ds = new DataSet("Students");
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(_strquery, con);
//Get the XML From DataSet
string strXML = ds.GetXml();
strstudentDetails=GetHtml(Server.MapPath("~/xsl/studentDetails.xsl"), strXML);

GetHtml function actually doing the job. Its taking XSL Stylesheet and XML data as parameter and returning the html output





[sourcecode language='csharp']
/// Get HTML From XML and XSL

XSL File Path
XML String
/// HTML Output
public static string GetHtml(string xsltPath, string xml)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(ASCIIEncoding.Default.GetBytes(xml));
XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(stream);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
XslCompiledTransform transform = new XslCompiledTransform();
transform.Transform(document, null, writer);
return writer.ToString();

Now for displaying the result, we have to put following line in the aspx page,

[sourcecode language='html']

Student Page

Student Info : Displying using XSL Rendering

<%= strstudentDetails %>


and the output like,


Hope this will help you to move ahead with XSL Transformation.





Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My CodeProject MVP Certificate


My MVP Certificate

Sunday, June 21, 2009

My Birth Day

Today , 22nd June is My Birth day.

Wish all of you all the best.

Thank you !!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

My Recent Article :Debug Your ASP.NET Application that Hosted on IIS : Process Attach and Identify which process to attach

Ahh... After a long time, I have a published an article on Codeproject.
This article describe how to debug a web application which is hosted on IIS. It also describe how to select a particular process to attach with your application when multiple worker process are running. Please read details over here and give your suggestions and feedback

Thank you.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

My New Dell Laptop

Recently I purchased a Dell Inspiron 1545 Notebook . The design by Dell is quite impressive as it has been released with different  colors. I have go for BLUE.  My Laptop  configuration is  4 GB RAM, 320 GB HDD, C2D Processor and 1.3 MP Camera , OS Vista . Hmm.. along with that, got a  Carry Case. I love this .... dell_1545

New Domain for my blog

WoW... Today I have registered my blog with a new domain name.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Prize winner in Competition "Best ASP.NET article of January 2009"

I have won the first prize for my "Exploring Session in ASP.NET" article in the month of January . Thanks to all for voting.

Friday, January 9, 2009

CodeProject MVP for 2009

5th Jan 2009, I have received an MVP Award for 2009 from And I really fill proud for that I was selected for Codeproject MVP 2009.

I have received an MVP Award from codeproject for the articles what ever I have written on codeprject and helps other developers through the forums.

Here is the some content of the mail that I have received from Chris Maunder , C0-Founder of

From: Chris Maunder
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 5:37 AM
To: Abhijit Jana
Subject: Code Project MVP recognition

Hi Abhijit


In recognition of your outstanding contributions to the community, either through the forums or through articles, you have been awarded CodeProject MVP status for 2009.

Your MVP status will be recognized through the MVP icon you will have next to your forum postings as well as a notice in your member profile. Also, as formal recognition of your award status we will be sending out certificates to all our MVPs ........

Again, Thank you for all the help you have provided to the community.

Chris Maunder

The Code Project

Thanks you Chirs and Your Team .

I would also like to thanks all CP members and specially My Guru (Sacha barber ) , christian Graus and Navaneeth . I have learned a lot from all of them . They all are Rock !!!

And Finally , Codeproject You are Rock !!!